Digital transformation improves efficiency of finance departments
A recent report from The Hackett Group states that finance organizations can reduce costs by more than 40%. To do so, they can fully embrace digital transformation. Therefore, this will accelerate their progress towards greater efficiency levels. Additional resources that can be used in more value-added activities The Hackett Group’s “Digital World Class” analysis is […]

GAFA Tax : towards a transfer pricing revolution ?
On Thursday, July 11, 2019, the GAFA tax (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) was finally adopted by French Parliament. Indeed, the law plans to tax 3% of the sales of the digital giants. The companies concerned are those whose global sales on their digital activities exceed 750 million euros, including 25 million euros related to users […]

Power BI: the key companion for the CFO ?
Finance departments have become accustomed to using Excel to generate their reports, in addition to the information systems in place. Excel’s modeling capabilities allow finance departments to present insightful analysis. However, the limits of Excel are well-known: Data size limits Underdeveloped collaborative functions Few interactions with information systems Power BI, the successor of Excel? In […]

Foreign company without a branch in France : how to register
When a foreign company wants to open a branch in France, several cases may arise. The first case (the most common) is for the foreign company to register a French branch in order to develop its activities there. The company is therefore subject to the mainstream registration formalities on the same basis as French companies. […]

Start-up : which French tax credits to claim ?
A start-up must sooner or later seek funding to support its growth. For this, the French government has promoted numerous incentives to encourage the development of start-ups. Nevertheless, the diversity of the subsidies available makes it quite hard to navigate. In France, a start-up can request specific tax credits to meet their needs. PHAN Experts […]

The accounting records file (FEC) : a mandatory file during an audit
During an audit of a company’s accounts, the company must submit the accounting records file (FEC) to the French tax authorities. This obligation applies since January 1, 2014. This file lists all the journal entries of a company, in chronological order. The tax administration imposes a standardized format and content, the details of which are […]

Labour detachments in France : the procedures to be observed
Labour detachments are a common practice given the strategies of multinational groups and greater staff mobility. With regard to impatriates in France, attention is required regarding the formalities to be carried out. The procedures to be observed by the employer Before the detachment, the employer must declare to the DIRECCTE the employees to be posted. […]

Exports to Vietnam: Promising Prospects with EVFTA
In order to promote relationships between the European Union and Vietnam, a free trade agreement (Europe-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, or EVFTA) was signed on June 30, 2019. Thus, attractive prospects are opening up for European companies wishing to export to Vietnam. This agreement includes the reduction of customs fees on entry into Vietnam for products […]

BEPS : strengthened requirements for justification of transfer pricing policy
The new obligations stemming from the BEPS (Base Erosion Profit Shifting) project will cause the most significant changes since the 1980s in the field of international taxation. Indeed, the countries directly involved in this project represent more than 84% of the world economy. Given the issues arising from the recovery of taxes, no doubt that […]

The key success factors in setting up a data analytics organization
In a world of growing data analytics, many companies have embarked on a data-centric organization to create a competitive advantage. The expected benefits are numerous. These include reducing costs, improving decision-making and maximizing value to the customer. However, the challenges of implementing a data analytics approach are significant. Indeed, this approach can not be reduced […]