Cash management in times of crisis : the best practices
Cash management is a critical issue for companies, especially in times of crisis. As France continues its reopening, the country expects to see an increase in the number of bankruptcies. COVID-19 is therefore likely to have far-reaching economic and financial repercussions. Small businesses are more likely to be affected due to their weaker financial robustness. […]

How to prepare an income statement with Power BI ?
The increasing usage of Power BI to draft an income statement constitutes a major turning point for accounting and finance professionals. The challenge for the latter consists to use the accounting data to draw meaningful insights. In the era of Big Data, processing large volumes of data has become more mainstream. Power BI is helping […]

The accounting records file (FEC) : a mandatory file during an audit
During an audit of a company’s accounts, the company must submit the accounting records file (FEC) to the French tax authorities. This obligation applies since January 1, 2014. This file lists all the journal entries of a company, in chronological order. The tax administration imposes a standardized format and content, the details of which are […]