Power BI and calculated groups
Why use calculated groups in Power BI ? In Power BI, calculation groups are a new feature that allows you to aggregate many measures into one generic measure. This saves a lot of time because the calculation groups save the Power BI user from writing the same measures for each metric they want to analyze. […]

How to prepare an income statement with Power BI ?
The increasing usage of Power BI to draft an income statement constitutes a major turning point for accounting and finance professionals. The challenge for the latter consists to use the accounting data to draw meaningful insights. In the era of Big Data, processing large volumes of data has become more mainstream. Power BI is helping […]

Power BI: the key companion for the CFO ?
Finance departments have become accustomed to using Excel to generate their reports, in addition to the information systems in place. Excel’s modeling capabilities allow finance departments to present insightful analysis. However, the limits of Excel are well-known: Data size limits Underdeveloped collaborative functions Few interactions with information systems Power BI, the successor of Excel? In […]

The key success factors in setting up a data analytics organization
In a world of growing data analytics, many companies have embarked on a data-centric organization to create a competitive advantage. The expected benefits are numerous. These include reducing costs, improving decision-making and maximizing value to the customer. However, the challenges of implementing a data analytics approach are significant. Indeed, this approach can not be reduced […]